Blocking URLs using ScreenCoach. 

You can block/allow certain urls browsed through Safari. 

Here's a breakdown of how to achieve this:

What you can block:

  • ScreenCoach can partially block URLs accessed through Safari.

How it works:

  • Websites browsed through Safari are recorded in ScreenCoach using iOS's ScreenTime API.
  •  Due to privacy restrictions, not all URLs are captured.

What you can do with recorded URLs:

  • You can add them to either an "Always Allowed" list or an App Category (which can be blocked/allowed under a specific mode)

Steps to block URLs:

  1. On your child's device: Switch to the Parent user account.
  2. Go to "Settings" from the tab bar at the bottom.
  3. Choose "App Categories.".
  4. Select the category where you want to add a website (e.g., "Always Allowed").
  5. A list of apps will appear.
  6. Search for the website using keywords. If found, select it.
  7. Tap "Done" to add the website to the category.
  8. This category should then be added to the allowed list or block list under a specific mode. 

Additional Resources:

Check the below screenshots attached showcasing how to block URLs. Here, we've added:

  • to the "Always Allowed" category.
  • A shopping website to the "Websites" category (which can be blocked under a specific mode).

Step 1:

Step 2:

Step 3:


Step 4:
adding another web url to another category:

Alternative Method:

  1. You can also manually search through the app list to see if the website is recorded.

Please note:

1. Adding an app or website to always allowed category, will make the website/app available anytime without any restrictions. 

2. To block a website/app or to allow a website/app in a particular mode, add it to a category and then add the category to the block/allow list of the mode.