ScreenCoach blocks children from using apps on iPhone/iPad devices when not allowed to be used, when it has settings and permissions enabled.

To see demo of this working, click here 

The ScreenCoach apps needs to be running all the time (in the background) to be able to manage the child's device. 

Steps to manage your child's device settings 

1. Switch to Parent user using child's device

2. Select "Device List" and click the device record 

3. On this screen turn ON all of the options for the device. 

Press "FIX IT"  to fix issue by following the steps it shows and enable Screencoach for each feature.

Note: Each one of these will show you an animated GIF, showing you steps you need to take.

  • Allow Screen time tracking: To run ScreenCoach in background at all time to manage child's device. Turn ON Locations and Device lock.  Click here, To enable Location services on iPhone/iPad     
  • Allow App Blocking: ScreenCoach manages and blocks the child from using apps on mobile   Click here - App Blocking for Apple iPhones and iPads (non Apple Family members)           Click here - App Blocking for Apple iPhones and iPads (For Apple Families)
  • Allow Push Notifications: To notify parent with warnings and reminders about child device. You will receive notifications only if there is an issue with ScreenCoach on device or if it's offline for a while. You can edit notification preferences through user settings - Notifications tab 
  • Block User from device : To prevent user from using this device. To block certain user, scroll down above given page to see Users tab - toggle OFF to block user's   
  • Block mode from device:  To block user from entering a mode on this device. To block mode on this device, scroll down the above  page to see Modes tab - toggle OFF the mode   
  • Auto logout: To logout from user account when device is screen locked. After a time limit specified in "Logout delay" if screen is unattended user will auto logout.
  • App health: On top right of the screen click an icon showing a chart. This chart shows heartbeats of device when you click over it. Chart also shows whether device was locked/unlocked as well as online/offline for a time period selected. 


If you already have an Apple family setup, then it will be be a single click to enable the family controls that are needed for App blocking

If the child's device is part of an Apple family, it will be rock solid and kids CAN'T bypass it. 

If you don't have an Apple Family set up it is strongly recommend that you set up and an Apple Family, (so long as you have an apple device that can be the parent user)

See this FAQ on how to set up Apple family

If you get any errors enabling, this will either be because :

  • This child is not part of your Apple family
  • You have another app using Apple's ScreenTime API
  • You have an MDM or other device management software installed 

Plan B: using individual ScreenTime controls

If you are not able to use the family Screen Time controls you can still use Screencoach, however, we need to secure the device to prevent your child from deleting the Screencoach app and from turning off screen time options.

You'll need to modify the Screen Time settings for your child so that they cannot delete any Apps

Because this option is not as robust as the family Screen Time controls you'll need to keep an eye out in case ScreenCoach stops working on the device. You will get notified if it is off-line for a period of time and you will also see a nightly email to catch if the kids have tried to bypass it, as it is quite secure, however, it can be bypassed in the right set of circumstances

What happens if ScreenCoach is not running ?

If ScreenCoach is not running in the background then when it stops running, the child will get 2 more minutes of app usage before all of the apps are blocked, even if they try rebooting the device.

If you are testing this you will need to open any app for the 2 minutes to start counting!

How to test blocking

Pick a disallowed mode in ScreenCoach.

If you don't have another mode to test with, use the "Block user" feature from your parent mobile app to block the user on the device you are testing (see FAQ)

Then the Apps will be blocked. (They are Dimmed)

If you open an app you will see this

In order to Unblock.

  • Go to an allowed mode (based on the current time being within the allowed access times for the mode).
  • Make sure the user has time allowance or token time remaining.
  • Now the Apps will be unblocked 

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