To quickly link new devices to the family, we provide two options:

  • Pairing code
  • QR code

This is done in two parts:

  1. Get QR Code/Pairing Code on child device.
  2. Scan QR code/Enter Pairing Code on parent device.

Part 1: Get QR Code/Pairing Code on child device.

  1. Open the ScreenCoach app on the child device.
  2. Select "Account - Sign-in."
  3. Select the QR code icon at the bottom.

4. After selecting the QR icon, you will see a similar screen to this.

Part 2: Scan QR code/Enter Pairing Code on parent device.

1. Click on "Settings" from the tab bar at the bottom of the screen.

2. Click on "Link a New Device."

3. On the next screen. You have 2 choices.

  • Press the big button in the middle to scan the QR code from the child's device.
  • Enter the pairing code from the child's device (this can be done when you are not in the same location).

Your new device to this family is now linked. 

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