ScreenCoach blocks the child from using apps on mobile devices (as well as desktops).

To see a demo of this working, click here 

Note we use Apple's Screentime Controls to block iPhones & iPads 

This option described below is needed if the device being used by the child is not part of an Apple Family. You MUST have iOS 16 or later for this option. 

It works best with an Apple family setup because the kids can't turn it off!

If the Apple ID on the device is in an apple family, you should use these instructions instead

Here is a YouTube video for setting up app blocking on iOS
(Apple family but almost the same!) 

Enabling Mobile app Blocking for Apple iPhones & iPad

Please do the following on the child's device you want to manage.


ScreenCoach Needs to run in the background at all times to manage the child's device. So, you need to enable Location Tracking to "always allow" on the child's device.

If the child kills the ScreenCoach app, it will block all apps within a minute or so :-) 

 - Once you have enabled app blocking

You can also enable notifications to be alerted if the app is not running (if you like)

#1 Switch to parent user (on the child's device)

Only Parents can access the settings menu

#2 Select App Settings

#3 Enable all options on this screen 

Agree to all pop-up screens that come up when you enable them.

#4 Read Instructions for setting up an Apple family. If you already have an Apple family setup select the bottom link.     

#5. Select Sign in with parent's Apple ID

#5b. Enter the Apple ID of Parent.

#5c. Enter the Apple ID's password of Parent.

#6 All done!

If you get any errors, this will either be because :

  • This child is not part of your Apple family
  • Screentime is not enabled for your Child (within the Apple family)

*Remember to switch back to the child before you leave!

How to test blocking

Pick a disallowed mode in ScreenCoach.

Then the Apps will be blocked.

They are Dimmed.

If you open an app you will see this

In order to Unblock.

  • Go to an allowed mode (based on the current time being within the allowed access times for the mode).
  • Make sure the user has time allowance or token time remaining.
  • Now the Apps will be unblocked

Click on the below link, to view this FAQ in a new window.

Click here