The catalogue is the pre-prepared list you can copy from when adding new activities in the future.

You can add your own, delete or edit the one pre-shipped. They are great for jobs and things your want to occur regularly around your home.

To view the Activity Catalogue


  1. Click on the activities tab on the LHS
  2. Select catalogue tab

On ScreenCoach mobile

1.Click on one of the children and then click on the activities icon at the bottom.  

2. Select catalogue tab

To add a new Activity Catalogue Record

On mobile: From the main screen

  • Click on the ‘+’ button in the bottom right-hand corner (the same as adding a normal activity)

  • Instead of picking a catalogue item, type in the name of your new item and press the + on the right

  • If this is only for one user, add them. Otherwise, leave it empty for anyone

  • Add the Token / Gem rewards you want

  • If you want this to be auto-approved by a trusted child, enable “Auto approve”

  • Now save it as a catalogue item

    • Select advanced option

    • Select “Save in activity catalogue”

  • Click ‘Save activity’

Be sure to check out other options, including

  • Checklists


  1. Click on the activities tab on the LHS
  2. Select catalogue tab
  3. Press "Add Activity Catalogue item"
  4. Follow the same steps as the mobile above