We have made our own suggestions as to how many Gems and Tokens are awarded per activity. However, you can customize these depending on your needs. If you want to incentivize something that your child is very reluctant to do, for example, take a shower, do some exercise or eat their vegetables!, then you can offer higher rewards to encourage them. Once they are in a good habit of doing that thing, you could drop the rewards for that and increase the rewards for something else. 

There will be a bit of trial and error to begin with as you see how much screen time they are having versus how much non-screen activity they are doing, and we recommend regular tweaks over time to keep ScreenCoach fresh and motivating for them. 

Consider having fewer Tokens and Gems by default where the children can get a bonus based on the rewards that you want to encourage such as doing it when asked once or doing it without being asked.

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