You can reward your child with gems for completing tasks, which can further be converted into pocket money.  Tokens translate into screen time, and Gems translate into pocket money.

You can give your children gems to earn pocket money or tokens for an activity if you want them to earn screen time. Or offer them a combination of the two!

Once the activity is completed by the child and approved by a parent, tokens and gems get credited to the child's account. The earned gems can then be converted into money!

To do so, your kid can follow these steps on his device:

1. Click on the Balance Button in the top right-hand corner.

2. Choose the second option on the following screen, which is for gems to pocket money conversion. By default, the conversion ratio is 10:1, which can be changed in the "Account Settings" of the parent account.


3. Enter the number of gems you'd like to convert into pocket money into the "Gems" field and hit "Exchange."

4. Return to the main dashboard, and your balance will be updated as per the conversion.

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