If you wish, you can also manage your child’s pocket money - they can earn Gems which can be “cashed in” and added to their pocket money balance. There’s no actual money in there (you’ll have to provide that - sorry!), but it helps with the running balance for you so you don’t need to keep a spreadsheet somewhere.

Kids can add their own expenses, however, only parents can actually make a deposit. You can list all of the income and expenses for a child over a period of time to act as a virtual piggybank and digital wallet.

Kids can also convert their earned Gems into pocket money at any time.

Please follow the below steps of Mobile device to convert the gems into pocket money:

1. Screencoach App.

2. Login as account manager/Parent.

3. At the bottom, click on the Piggy bank picture.

4. At the bottom, click on the $ sign.

5. Fill in the transaction details whom your want to assign pocket money for.

6. once you click on the transaction type, you can convert gems to money or deposit the pocket money.

7. Add value that you want to convert into money or deposit and save.

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